
1.     Mode: Hybrid

2.     Number of teams per school:

3.     Number of participants per team: 4

4.     Eligibility: IX- XII

5.     Software to be used: Any opensource software

6.     Registration link:

7.     General Instructions:

·       The competition consists of a Prelim round followed by a final round.

·       The prelim will be a submission-based round in which each team is required to submit given deliverables by the deadline.

·       Top 5 teams will qualify for the finals which will be held offline in the school getting a chance to present their ideas to the judges.

8.     Prelims:

1)     Presentation: Prepare a presentation of not more than 6-8 slides (excluding intro and thankyou slide) that summarizes your project's key points. This can be a slide deck or a video presentation, including the following:

a.     Problem Statement: Provide a detailed description of the problem you're addressing. Explain its significance, scope, and any challenges it presents. Include any relevant data sources/datasets. (Problem statement should be centered around one of the SDGs)

b.     Market analysis and Feasibility study: Provide a brief market analysis demonstrating the demand for your AI solution and a feasibility assessment highlighting the technical and economic viability of your project.

c.      Methodology and Algorithms: Describe the AI techniques, algorithms, and methodologies you've employed. Explain why you chose these methods and how they're suitable for solving the problem.

d.     Scalability and Deployment: Explain how your AI solution can be scaled for larger real-world applications. Discuss deployment strategies and any cloud services used.

e.     Results and Analysis: Present the results of your AI solution.

2)     Website/App: Provide a link to the website/app where your AI solution can be accessed and reviewed along with a well-documented and organized code repository. 

3)     Submission: 

a.     Participants must upload their website link and PPT in .pptx format on the given link by Monday October 9, 2023 by 8pm.

b.     A fully accessible drive link must be uploaded on the discord server.

c.      Top 5 teams will qualify. Results of the preliminary rounds will be declared on the official ENIAC website on Wednesday, October 11, 2023.


9.     Finals:

1)     Pitch Presentation: Participants shall use the same presentation and website/app to introduce their solution to the judges and illustrate their ideas.

2)     Each team will be given 8 mins for their final presentation following which will be a cross questioning round with the judges.

3)     They can bring models/props related to their solution. The host school will not be responsible for any damage or loss. Plagiarism will lead to disqualification.


10.  Evaluation Criteria:

·       Innovation: Is the project unique and/or innovative?

·       Quality of Presentation: Is this concept concisely and clearly explained? Are the appropriate analytical methods used and are the insights derived correctly?

·       Potential: Do the analysis results have the potential to make a difference?

·       Sustainability: What is the social impact?

·       Teamwork: Was the experience a collaborative endeavour?