
1.     Mode: Online

2.     Number of teams: 10

3.     Number of participants: 2

4.     Eligibility: VI-VIII

5.     Software to be used: Minecraft Education Edition

6.     Registration link: 

7.     General Instructions:

1)     Participants are to build a city in a minimum of 100 x 100 and maximum 200 x 200. 

2)     A video submission is also required explaining the basic principles of the city.

3)     For this the use of templates is not allowed. Command blocks, builder tools are allowed and the build can be built in education edition.

4)     The participants must incorporate these into their city:

a)     A build reflecting an advanced civilisation 

b)     Ways to tackle challenges of power generation, agriculture.

c)     Sustainable and a carbon neutral city

d)     Innovative Transportation 

e)     Basic amenities like schools and hospitals 

f)      A basic interior

5)     Participants can build whatever structures they desire but they must build at least 2 of the structures given below:

a.     Bridge

b.     Monument

c.      Museum

d.     Zoo

e.     Defence mechanism

8.     Storyline:
Deep beneath Earth’s surface, a secret advanced city named "Utopia" thrived. It far surpassed the cities above. Utopia showcased radiant monuments, bridges arched gracefully over rivers, and a museum rich with historical treasures. Safety was paramount; so, the city was protected against any threats by a powerful shield. They even leveraged Earth's clean energy to light up their vibrant streets. Their hospitals held cutting-edge equipment ensuring swift recoveries. Utopian children benefited from excellent education, and research labs had extraordinary scientists. Their super advanced transportation system was way beyond roads and railways. Although hidden, Utopians aspired to share their advancements with the surface world. For now, Utopia awaited eagerly to embrace the world with its underground wonders.